Demo ==== To give you an idea of how pyamgx is used, here is a simple demo program that sets up and solves a linear system using pyamgx, and compares the result with :py:func:`scipy.sparse.linalg.spsolve`. .. code-block:: python import numpy as np import scipy.sparse as sparse import scipy.sparse.linalg as splinalg import pyamgx pyamgx.initialize() # Initialize config and resources: cfg = pyamgx.Config().create_from_dict({ "config_version": 2, "determinism_flag": 1, "exception_handling" : 1, "solver": { "monitor_residual": 1, "solver": "BICGSTAB", "convergence": "RELATIVE_INI_CORE", "preconditioner": { "solver": "NOSOLVER" } } }) rsc = pyamgx.Resources().create_simple(cfg) # Create matrices and vectors: A = pyamgx.Matrix().create(rsc) b = pyamgx.Vector().create(rsc) x = pyamgx.Vector().create(rsc) # Create solver: solver = pyamgx.Solver().create(rsc, cfg) # Upload system: M = sparse.csr_matrix(np.random.rand(5, 5)) rhs = np.random.rand(5) sol = np.zeros(5, dtype=np.float64) A.upload_CSR(M) b.upload(rhs) x.upload(sol) # Setup and solve system: solver.setup(A) solver.solve(b, x) # Download solution print("pyamgx solution: ", sol) print("scipy solution: ", splinalg.spsolve(M, rhs)) # Clean up: A.destroy() x.destroy() b.destroy() solver.destroy() rsc.destroy() cfg.destroy() pyamgx.finalize() Output: :: AMGX version Built on Jul 6 2018, 12:08:15 Compiled with CUDA Runtime 8.0, using CUDA driver 9.2 pyamgx solution: [-0.90571145 0.85909259 0.54397665 2.02579923 -0.94139638] scipy solution: [-0.90571145 0.85909259 0.54397665 2.02579923 -0.94139638]